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A Guide to Using Prop Money in Movies

Need to incorporate money in your next film? Using real currency will land you in some trouble with the law, so you will need to come up with money prop designs that help you meet your needs. Fortunately, there are ways to ensure your prop money still looks realistic. You just need to make sure you are following the proper guidelines.

Learn more below, so you don’t wind up facing any legal issues regarding how your bills look and are used throughout the filming process.

Size and Style Requirements

When it comes to reproducing bills, it is important to turn to the Counterfeit Detection Act of 1992, which says money prop designs must be less than three-fourths the size of a regular bill or more than 150% of its size. This act also states that it must be one-sided.

The paper used for fake money should be a high-quality type that differs from the feel of real paper money. Money prop designs also will not have the red and blue fibers that real money possesses. Making d

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4 Small Gift Ideas for Valentine’s Day

It feels good to give gifts to other people. The results of a 2015 UGiftIdeas survey found that 58% of participants felt that giving gifts makes relationships with others more meaningful. With that in mind, many people buy gifts for someone else on February 14th. Before this holiday arrives, it’s understandable to wonder what to get that special person in your life. Considering that, here are four small gift ideas for someone special this Valentine’s Day.

  1. Miniature Candles

    There’s almost nothing more romantic than candles. With that in mind, you’ll find that candles are great Valentine’s Day gifts. There are many types of candles with a Valentine’s Day theme. For instance, miniature heart candles are great gifts for your valentine.

  2. Tiny Plush Animals

    While looking for cute little gifts, you don’t want to forget about small plush animals. There are many types of small plush animals to choose from. If you want to go t