This trip is going to be the most fun vacation ever. In fact, finally getting the opportunity to travel with your college roommates has been something that you have all been looking forward to for years. And now that they youngest of your children have graduated high school and are off to college your whole group is more in charge of your own schedules. And while the four of you never dreamt that your first trip together would be a vacation in New York City, you decided to make it the destination.
Given the task of getting ready for the big trip, you and your friends divided up the tasks. One of your friends is in charge of finding the best hotel deals, and another one is checking into the most popular tourist attractions, another one is reading and studying local restaurant reviews. You have been given the most exciting, and perhaps most difficult task, finding an affordable way to buy Broadway theatre tickets. Everyone is in charge of their own airfare, but it simply made sense to divide the other assignments.
Discount Show Tickets Can Help You Stretch Your New York City Travel Budget
Whether you want to see one of the latest releases or a classic older show, the decision to buy Broadway theatre tickets can take a significant hunk out of your trip to the Big Apple. If, however, you spend some time doing your research ahead of time you should be able to find a website to buy Broadway tickets at a more affordable price. It probably comes as o surprise that approximately 70% of Broadway tickets are purchased by tourists. The difference between those people who are paying the high prices and those who are finding tickets are more affordable rates is whether or not these tourists did their homework before making their purchases. In addition to finding some show times that are more expensive, you can often find promotions that allow you to make sure that you are finding lower prices than you might find if you did not do any research.
To really be considered a “Broadway Theater” a venue must have a seating capacity of 500 seats or more, so there are actually quite a few seats that are available. Taking your time and not purchasing the very first ticket that you find can help you save enough money that you might even be able to take in two, not just one, show. This is especially true if you are willing to take in a second show that is not one of the biggest hits.
A survey conducted by Nielsen Scarborough in Spring of 2016 indicated that over 47 million Americans had attended a live theatre event within the past month. This, as much as anything, is an indicator that show tickets continue to be a popular purchase, whether you are part of a group of college friends or traveling with your family. Making sure that you buy Broadway theatre tickets that you can afford can make your rip even more memorable.