Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but it is also in the eye of the healthy!
It should come as no surprise that a growing number of medical facilities are looking for aesthetic ways to make sure that their patients are doing their best. From the latest walk in health care clinics to wall art for hospitals, there are an increasing number of projects that have funding set aside for art consulting firms. And while it has long been a practice of making sure that guests and hotels and restaurants feel comfortable and welcome, what may have once been considered artwork for hospitality industry budgets are now finding their way into the health care industry as well.
A relaxing atmosphere, whether it is in an urgent care setting, a family physician’s office, or a hospital, can help make patients feel more at ease, a condition that is conducive to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
There is a lot of MEDICAL ADVICE that doctors can give, but following the lead of installing artwork for hospitality industry can help as well.
- Mothers and fathers who wake up in the middle of the night to a sick child often find themselves wondering where to go. Hospital emergency rooms are too expensive and the hours when the family pediatrician will be open are a long ways away.
- Extremely high temperatures outside can lead to heat exhaustion, a condition that can be treated in an urgent care setting where they can administer IVs.
- Dog bites that are minor can easily be treated in an urgent care center where they are able to determine whether or not stitches are needed, or if there is a future need for an appointment with a plastic surgeon.
- Insect bites that become infected can be very uncomfortable, but can be easily treated at a local walk in health clinic.
- Cold and flu symptoms are difficult to distinguish, but there are flu tests that can be given at a local urgent care center that will let you know which one of these conditions you are dealing with.
- AArts and Health Alliance did a survey of 129 Veterans medical centers in the year 2013. More than 50% of them offered arts programming at patients’ bedside and more than 40% have rotating art exhibitions, permanent art collections, sculptures, or commissioned paintings.
- Leaving a game early because of an injury is no fun, but if you are near a local urgent care you can find a quick diagnosis to the problem at hand.
- Ankles are one of the most frequently injured parts of the body, and they often require a quick evaluation so athletes know if they need to rest, ice, or get an x-ray.
- Do you know where you need to go when you are looking for after hour health care, or medical advice on the weekend?
- Vwry often, you can get the immediate help that you need by going into a walk in health clinic. If, for instance, you find out that you need an antibiotic, a weekend visit to an urgent care center can help you get started on the regimen sooner rather than later.
- Ice, alternated with heat, is the recommended treatment for many recent injuries, but it is important to get a medical diagnosis first so you know that there are no broken bones that need to be treated.
- Cleveland Clinic research recently found that more than 60% of patients reported a reduction in stress from the hospital’s contemporary art collection, defined as works produced in the last 30 years. Many of these additions include public sculptures, fine art posters in exam rooms, nature images, and abstract designs.
- Every time that you face a medical situation you have to remember that you are a consumer who has the right to decide where you want to get the care that you are looking for.
It has long been a practice of budgeting for artwork for hospitality industry spaces, but more and more medical facilities are finding that if they follow this model they are seeing positive results. With consultants who are transitioning from artwork for hospitality industry selections making the move to the health care arena, there are more and more examples of how these installations can play an important role in the healing of many patients.